News - IIDA 2019 Best of ASIA Pacific Design Awards | ELTO

IIDA 2019 Best of ASIA Pacific Design Awards

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We are honored to received the IIDA 2019 Best of ASIA Pacific Design Awards in Paris on 18th January 2020. The 7th annual IIDA Best of Asia Pacific Design Awards seeks to recognize and honor the highest level of creativity and design excellence in interior design/ interior architecture projects in Asia Pacific.

△ELTO Chief Designer Chloe Liew at IIDA Award Ceremony△

△ELTO Chief Designer Chloe Liew at IIDA Award Ceremony△
△ELTO's founder Samme Goh at IIDA Award Ceremony△

△Group Photo for IIDA Award△

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) is the Commercial Interior Design Association with a global reach. IIDA was founded in 1994 as the result of a merger of the Institute of Business Designers (IBD); the International Society of Interior Designers (ISID); and the Council of Federal Interior Designers (CFID). The goal of the merger was to create an international association with a united mission that would represent Interior Designers worldwide. Since that date, IIDA has worked to convene communities of Interior Designers across regions and specialties representing the interests for the entire community.